Send Cash Aid Directly To Communities In Need

Put the power back in their hands.

Why cash?

Cash is proven to be more effective than any other kind of donation to individuals and communities living in poverty, who use it for urgent goods and services as well as building the infrastructure necessary to ensure a stable future for themselves and their families. Along with avoiding unnecessary shipping and logistics costs that detract from the bottom line, spending cash locally also helps struggling businesses recover and uplifts entire communities.

We believe in trusting our beneficiaries to use the money as they see fit and treating them with the utmost dignity and respect. At the core of that value is human connection, and we pair each recipient with a personal transfer manger to facilitate the process.

Why direct?

Why the Middle East?

Geo-political instability in the Arab world has led to wide-spread poverty that, in many cases, goes un- or under-reported due to a lack of stable infrastructure and access to the regions in need. As of 2024, we are the only direct-cash foundation working solely in the Arab world.

stands shoulder to shoulder

with those in need

"In the next year and beyond it, I am looking to buy some livestock animals, particularly cows, and in hope that they will help me raise money for my husband's knee surgery."

"My goals for using my last money support of $400 are to insulate the walls of my home. This winter has been especially cold, and I want my family to stay warm in the nighttime. I purchased some hay and cardboard to paste on the interior structure and it has helped very much."

"My wife passed away unfortunately last year and since then I alone have to take care of our 5 children and provide for the family with many small jobs. The donation of $600 from Tadamun has helped me provide my family with food for the coming month."

"With the recent $500 transfer from Tadamun, I have been able to enroll my two children (9-year-old and 14-year-old sons) in a schooling program in my town and in doing that I work to secure their future and readiness to work a job that will pay them more."

"Three months ago, I received a transfer of $1000 and I was able to purchase several goats and a secure enclosure for them. I made enough money for my eldest child to be able to buy the necessary supplies for his schooling, In the future I will be able to sell the offspring of the goats for extra money."

"I have been living off my younger brother's earnings for the last few years. Every month he would send me money from his job in Beirut. Thanks to Tadamun I have been able to stop relying on my brother and to pay for my own necessities through the transfer of $700.


Khalid & Aisha


Ali & Abdul


Zahrani Family





Hashimi Family



Trusted by top funders and research groups

6752 individuals reached

1854 individuals


507 individuals


604 individuals


1921 individuals


1023 individuals

843 individuals

